Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is one of the hardest legal processes for families. While it is possible to file for divorce without an attorney, having the support and guidance of an experienced lawyer can help you build a better future. Keep reading for the top five reasons why you need a divorce attorney.

Reason #1: Thorough Documentation

Divorce is complex and at every stage there are massive amounts of paperwork and documentation required. The property division process in particular requires a lot of documentation to be presented to the court. Documents proving ownership, financial records, receipts, and proof of investment yield. Inventories of properties and assets are also crucial during this stage. An attorney can assist you with these documents and ensure that no documents or assets are left behind.

Reason #2: Cost Effectiveness

DIY divorce will end up costing you more than it should. The reality is that divorce is expensive and anyone without a law degree may find themselves on the business end of the legal process. Attorneys who handle divorce cases are very familiar with the process and know exactly how to handle cases in an efficient way. Efficiency not only saves you money, but it can also help you establish a better future.

Reason #3: Objectivity

One of the aggravating factors that can make divorce cases contentious is bias. If there is blame shared between the spouses, they may find it difficult to reach a resolution or find middle ground. Licensed attorneys can help spouses find middle ground that can benefit the family. Lawyers are objective in these cases and can provide insight that is not motivated by bias but rather your best interests.

When navigating the division of assets and child custody, objectivity is crucial. It is common for spouses in a contentious divorce case to view it as winning and losing but it is important to remember that ultimately the most important thing is the family and their best interests.

Reason #4: Reduced Stress

Divorce can take an extreme emotional toll on families, but an attorney can take care of the more complicated and stressful legal aspects of the case so you can focus on recovery and the road ahead. Healing takes time, and with the help of an attorney you can begin the process sooner rather than later.

Reason #5: Legal Support

Of course, the most important reason hires the attorney is for the legal support and knowledge they can provide. Depending on your circumstances, the legality of your case may be more complicated and may require extensive review by a qualified lawyer. The support an attorney can provide can go a long way.

Entrust Your Case to Smith Law Offices, LLC

At Smith Law Offices, LLC, our award-winning team of legal advocates works tirelessly to provide one-on-one attention to every client. With more than 50 years of combined legal experience you can rest assured that your case is in good hands.

Contact our attorneys today and schedule your consultation.
