Companies Push for Immigration to Solve Worker Shortages

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, companies in the United States have seen a steady decrease in skilled workers. Whether the numbers decreased due to COVID-19 deaths, early retirement, or employees choosing to leave, many businesses are now desperate for workers. However, despite the need for workers, Congress may not pass a bill that would allow more foreign workers to find employment in the U.S. Keep reading to learn more.

Bipartisan Proposal

Companies representing industries like agriculture and technology have pushed for changes to the immigration system for years. Evidence shows that immigrants not only provide skilled work experience, but they also support the economy as a whole.

To remedy the issue, a bipartisan bill from Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Thom Tillis could potentially solve employment woes. The bill is in the earliest possible phase – it has not been finalized – but the pair has a positive track record of bipartisan approval.

The issue with the bill is that it may be too early in the election cycle for proposal. A bill helping large companies could sway the vote significantly in one direction which could make-or-break a presidential election. Time is of the essence, and businesses are pushing for a solution sooner rather than later.

Road Ahead

Organizations like the National Restaurant Association, the American Hotel and Lodging Association, and others have made significant efforts in individual states to support businesses but are also working hard to push Congress toward a decision. The National Restaurant Association has already committed to a campaign in favor of the bill once more details are revealed.

The Chamber of Commerce, the largest national business group, has also announced their support of the bill. As many of the major business organizations unite for this common goal, the odds are in favor of immigration policy.

The Present

For now, immigrants are left to compete over visa lotteries and backlogs while companies do everything, they can hire international workers. There are processes in place for immigration already through employment-based immigration that allow foreign workers to work and live in the United States for a limited period of time.

If an individual wants to extend their stay, they may begin the process of applying for citizenship and a green card. However, this option is also fraught with hardship. Over the past few years, backlogs have extended green card wait times by years leaving many with no choice but to abandon hope.

If you are a foreign worker seeking employment in the United States, you have options. Smith Law Offices, LLC can help you navigate the immigration system and achieve your American Dream. Contact our firm today for more information.
