How Is Spousal Maintenance Calculated?

Missouri often awards alimony to spouses with a lower earning potential after divorce. This maintenance is intended to help them maintain the marital standard of living the couple once shared, meaning that the total amount varies from case to case.

Either spouse may request spousal support. To determine the amount and duration, Missouri courts examine:

  • Each spouse’s conduct during the marriage
  • Each spouse’s potential to be financially independent
  • Individual debts and assets
  • Length of marriage
  • The ability of the paying spouse to support the other spouse while remaining financially independent
  • The earning capacity of each spouse
  • The financial needs of each spouse
  • The marital standard of living
  • The supported spouse’s age and physical and emotional health

The goal of spousal maintenance is to allow both spouses to be financially stable. There is no defined formula for defining the alimony one may receive. The courts evaluate each case individually.

The Effect of Adultery

Adultery could be used to influence alimony decisions, but it is not the only consideration. A spouse who had an extramarital affair is not disqualified from receiving alimony. Likewise, a spouse will not have to pay alimony as a punishment just because they committed adultery.

Length of Alimony Payments

The length of alimony varies depending on the judge’s ruling. Still, a general standard is one year of alimony for every three years of marriage.

As Missouri lacks a standard formula for calculating spousal maintenance, it’s impossible to predict how much, if any, you could expect to pay or receive. However, what you can safely rely on is practiced legal assistance by your side fighting for the support you need. Contact Smith Law Offices, LLC for help today.