Personal Injury

Frequently, injured individuals assume that their insurance has their best interests in mind and will work with them to receive the maximum amount of compensation for an injury - but that's not always true. Knowing what to expect from your provider is essential if you want to get the compensation you deserve in your personal injury case.

If you're involved in a personal injury dispute, we'll work with you to pursue an optimal outcome. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (636) 400-1177.

What Role Do Insurance Providers Play in Personal Injury Cases?

After you file a personal injury claim, the insurance provider will assign an "adjuster" to your case.

The adjuster will investigate the case and assess the details of the case and determine how much the insurance provider should pay to the injured party as compensation for their injury.

Insurance providers play a key role in helping injured parties gain adequate compensation for their injuries. This can involve working with the individual charged with causing the injury to request compensation from their provider, working with medical professionals, etc.

Insurance adjusters often consider the following factors during cases:

  • The expenses incurred by the injured party so far, as well as future expenses;
  • Whether the injury resulted in lost wages or affected the injured party's ability to make a living;
  • The "pain and suffering" received by the individual, and;
  • Other negative effects the court and the adjuster consider pertinent to the case.

How Much Will My Insurance Provider Help Me Pay?

This is where most people get it wrong. Your insurance provider isn't there to help you receive as much compensation as possible for your injury.

In fact, insurance providers want to pay as little as possible in personal injury cases. Providers turn a profit by providing policies that they don't need to pay out fully. That means in a personal injury case, your provider may try to avoid adequately compensating you.

This is one of the primary reasons for having a personal injury lawyer at your side is so crucial. Your lawyer can advocate for your rights and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

At Smith Law Offices, our experienced personal injury lawyers will work with you, representing your rights and best interests in and out of court.

To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (636) 400-1177.

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