How to Rebuild Trust with Your Co-Parent After Divorce

If you and your former spouse share children, co-parenting in the aftermath of a divorce may be challenging, especially if the split was particularly nasty. However, it is in the best interests of your children that you and your ex cooperate with one another and create a less hostile environment. We compiled a list of tips that will help you rebuild trust with your former spouse, so you can more effectively co-parent your children.

Working as a Team

Rebuilding trust after a divorce may seem like a tall order for some, but it is not impossible. One of the most essential elements in this process is the simple act of keeping your word. Broken promises are a quick path to ensuring trust remains broken and cannot be mended, so if you make a promise to your ex or to your children, be sure to keep it. Doing so will go a long way.

Below are some more tips that will help you and your ex rebuild trust:

  • Maintain consistent behavior. Being cooperative one day and hostile the next will only make the situation worse and widen the divide between you two. Instead, be consistently responsible and respectful of one another.
  • You will likely make mistakes, but do not give up. Keep trying and be willing to acknowledge your errors and provide a genuine apology.
  • Hearing is not the same thing as listening. Moreover, listening does not mean you have to agree with what is being said. Instead, you must always make an effort to understand one another.
  • Co-parenting should be a team effort, so asking for each other’s opinions on child-related matters will help build trust and respect.
  • Support each other’s relationship with the children. Regardless of the state of your relationship with one another, you are still their parents and showing support will allow you to rebuild trust.

Rebuilding trust will take time, but with a genuine effort and willingness, you can accomplish it together.

Schedule a Consultation with a Compassionate Family Law Attorney Today!

If you share children with your former spouse and encounter some co-parenting difficulties that require legal advice, do not hesitate to reach out to the knowledgeable team at Smith Law Offices, LLC for the support you need. Our family law team is backed by more than three decades of combined legal experience and a proven history of successful results. With our team on your side, you can rest assured you will receive the care and attention you deserve during this difficult time.

Call our law office today at (636) 400-1177 to set up an initial consultation with a member of our team to discuss the details of your case.
