Is My Prenuptial Agreement Invalid?


As more households are dual-income, prenuptial agreements have long lost their stigma. The taboo surrounding these legal agreements has been replaced by the need to protect one’s assets and properties in the event of divorce. They serve as a useful tool to help prospective spouses establish a safety net for their respective futures. However, some people do not feel comfortable agreeing to the terms of a prenuptial agreement, because they are unhappy with the conditions or don’t want one at all.

When there are complexities with the validity of your prenup, this can call the entire agreement into question. Before you sign a legal document determining your entire future, it is vital you review the legitimacy of what you are agreeing to.

Common reasons a prenuptial agreement’s validity can be questioned include the following:

  • There is no written agreement
  • The agreement must be signed by both people before the marriage
  • One person was forced or pressured to sign
  • The agreement contained false or incomplete information
  • The agreement is extremely disproportionate to favor one spouse over the other
  • One person had no time to review the agreement and signed last minute
  • The agreement included invalid provisions, such as child support

If you feel you are being held to an unfair agreement or instead want to ensure your agreement is binding, consult a trusted legal team before putting pen to paper.

Experienced Family Lawyers Serving St. Charles

Agreeing to or considering a prenuptial agreement doesn’t mean you are expecting divorce in your future, it just means you and your partner are practical and realistic about what may happen and though you remain hopeful, you also remain pragmatic. At Smith Law Offices, LLC, our team of top-rated family law attorneys will meticulously review the details of your case to deliver you the results you deserve.

Schedule an initial case evaluation with a member of our firm by calling (636) 400-1177 today.
