Summer Break Custody


Summer break is usually the best time to be a kid. School is out, and they have a lot more time to spend playing and hanging out with their friends and their family. However, this can also be a stressful time for parents. If you’re in the process of divorce, you may not have even thought about what summer break custody might be like. Both parents might be working throughout the summer, or one parent could have the summer break off too if he or she is a teacher. Most couples negotiate this time by making parenting plans during the divorce.

In Missouri, most divorcing couples who have children must submit a parenting plan to the court. A parenting plan is a specific, written schedule that shows your custody and visitation arrangements. This plan should have a detailed agreement for how custody will be divided during the summer.

Each parenting plan gives parents a block of time during the summer with exclusive physical custody of the children. This is usually done so parents, ideally, will plan their summer vacation with the kids with that block of time in mind. If a parent wants to go out of the state with the kids at that time, they can schedule the entire trip during the window allotted.

However, conflicts do pop up, even when planning ahead. With several children, occasionally the schedule for summer camps can be chaotic. Also, people’s work schedules can change at a moment’s notice. You can modify the summer custody schedule with the cooperation of both parents. If one parent is reluctant to change the plan, it is possible to ask the court for an alteration in the schedule.

If you have questions about summer custody, or you would like help creating a parenting plan with your ex, don’t hesitate to call Smith Law Offices, LLC. Our skilled St. Charles family law attorneys have more than 20 years of experience helping Missouri couples negotiate the terms of their divorce. Let us see how we can help you.

Contact us at (636) 400-1177 or fill out our online form to schedule a case consultation with us today!
