I Started the Divorce Process Can I Still Hire an Attorney?


You started your divorce process without an attorney feeling confident you could represent yourself because neither of you had kids and you both had few assets. As the dust clears, you realize you might be in over your head. While you have the right to represent yourself during your divorce case, you also have the right to substitute in another attorney during the process. Which means, even if you started off the process representing yourself, you could hire an attorney to help.

How to File for Change in Attorney

If you would like to hire a St. Charles divorce attorney to represent you during your divorce case, you must first file a Consent to Change Substitution of Attorney form. Once you have submitted this form, the attorney chosen to represent you will send in the new Substitution form to the family courts.

Advantages of Retaining a St. Charles Divorce Lawyer

  • Lawyers can offer impartial, objective advice
  • Divorce lawyers help reduce the stress of your divorce by gathering the documentation needed and keeping track of deadlines
  • Determine if you’re getting a fair share of your joint assets
  • Lawyers help ensure your rights are protected
  • Divorce lawyers can also serve as mediators between you and your spouse
  • Attorneys can also help settle arguments between you and your spouse regarding assets, child custody or other divorce issues.

Hiring an attorney is a highly personal decision, especially if you initially chose not to hire an attorney and changed your mind later. Your soon to be ex-spouse might view this as an act of aggression or betrayal if you both agreed to make this divorce quick and painless. Prepare for your ex to hire a divorce attorney in response. The divorce process is complicated, work with a lawyer who can protect your rights, contact Smith Law Offices, LLC today.
